Most viewed - Jon Causith |

SWEET FISHBUTT FACEPLANTY REVENGE by Jon Causith281 viewsThere was no way I'd let such a slight against my computer go! The evil fish doctor had it coming!

Breakfast With the Dragon by Jon Causith281 viewsI ponder... what then would be a rank 10 breakfast? I MUST EAT, ER, BEAT THIS CHALLENGE!

Just Chisao by Jon Causith280 viewsSure, Chisao looks cute and innocent at first... then you find out what a selfish brat he really is!

Top 10 Robot Masters No 9 by Jon Causith280 viewsIn 9th place, Jon picks the stylish Pirate Man. I went for a different kind of style, liking the sharp agility of Blade Man.

Top Ten Favorite Robot Masters - No 4 by Jon Causith280 views4th place is all about honorable warriors. I chose Sword Man, while Jon went with Knight Man. As long as he's not in a dragon slaying mood, we're fine.

He's Only Happy When it Rains by Jon Causith278 viewsYou know, the lyrics really work quite well for Toad Man... X)

WeedsMan EXE WIP by Jon Causith277 viewsHere we have a new Navi being made by Jon Causith. WeedsMan here evidently lives to drain energy from healthy programs and Navis.

Top 10 Robot Masters No 6 by Jon Causith277 viewsStar power rules the day for Jon, netting Star Man 6th place. Meanwhile, I chose Pharaoh Man, placing him one spot above Jon's list.

Rock-it Lan by Jon Causith276 viewsSeriously, could he have used this silly pun more times in MMBN2? XD

Top Ten Favorite Robot Masters - No 3 by Jon Causith276 viewsIt looks like we were after speed and agility for 3rd place. Jon took the speeding star Nitro Man, whereas I went with the agile ninja Shadow Man.

WoodMan's Terrible Secret by Jon Causith275 views......Dear gods, that works far too well o.o; What has been seen cannot be unseen.

NitroMan EXE WIP by Jon Causith274 viewsA little behind-the-scenes work, here we have a Navi version of Nitro Man coming together. I was quite amused when, in the title of the piece, Jon referred to him as "Roaring Thunder," as this is also the name of a ridiculous Combo Weapon from Dead Rising 2, involving a car battery duct taped to what is clearly a Blanka mask.
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