Most viewed - Jon Causith |

Secret of my Excess by Jon Causith 274 viewsPerhaps it's a good thing not all dragons operate by Equestrian rules... ^_^;

Pokemon Sinnoh Teams by Jon Causith273 viewsHere we have our favorite Pokemon of the Sinnoh region! It had a lot of good ones, definitely. But you just have to love Togekiss' adorability!

Metroid Doodlefest updated by Jon Causith271 viewsHere we have an update to Jon's Metroid Doodlefest. Her various suits do tend to look good. My personal favorite was the Light Suit from Prime 2.

Pokemon Kanto Teams by Jon Causith270 viewsIn discussing favorites from games, Jon and I ended up comparing our favorite Pokemon of each region. And thus new art was born! Here we have our favorite Pokemon of the Kanto region. Some interesting choices on both sides I think, and my old Hitmonchan still has a good place usually in my current battles!

Arsenal Favorites MM3 by Jon Causith270 viewsIn MM3, once more we both like the same weapon. Shadow Blade all the way! Jon's point about it being more fair than the Metal Blade makes me very happy, as that's exactly how I feel. Special mention to Gemini Laser!

Pokemon Unova Teams by Jon Causith267 viewsAnd here we have our favorite Pokemon of the Unova region. The fact that Amoonguss became one of mine was sheer chance, as I ran into a Shiny one while trying to catch a good Bouffalant.

Retooling GutsMan by Jon Causith266 viewsIn an effort to come up with a more effective way to make GutsMan harder to fight, Jon has come up with some new moves for our favorite bruiser.

Harry Runs Into a Wall by Jon Causith266 viewsAh, those tank-like controls of the first Silent Hill... Always a fun time XD And bonus points for Homestar Harry there, that had me laughing quite a good bit XD

Least Favorite SH Protagonists by Jon Causith265 viewsWhen it comes to least favorites, the choices were pretty clear for both of us. Henry's utter blandness is a major put off for me, whereas Jon hates how any character Maria developed in her scenario was removed in the actual game of SH2.

Least Favorite Silent Hill Weapons by Jon Causith265 viewsIn the words of Rosseter, SCREW THE KNIFE!! I also definitely have to agree with Jon here. Has ANY survival horror game really gotten a flamethrower right? They're always kind of underwhelming...

Thoughts on MMBN6 by Jon Causith264 viewsIndeed, the ending of BN6 is a bit bittersweet, a nice ending, but sad to know the series is over. I still hope one day there's an MMBN7, either going with what happened to the gang in the years between BN6 and the future, or continuing the story with Lan's son Patch.

It's Dangerous to Travel Light by Jon Causith263 viewsThe title card art sent to me by Jon for the Legend of Zelda Minimalist Run, I love this piece, it works so well for it X)
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