Most viewed - Jon Causith |

He Thinks I'm a Pallet by Jon Causith248 viewsAhh, always a classic. Sing it with me!
This is the sooooooong written for the train chase
This is the chaaaaaase, Rocky and Kennnnnn
He triiiiiiied to kill me with a foooorkliiiiift!

Pokemon Johto Teams by Jon Causith248 viewsHere we have our favorite Pokemon from 2nd gen. Interesting that Espeon is there for both of us!

Favorite Kirby Enemies by Jon Causith247 viewsWhen it comes to Kirby enemies, Jon likes the always classic Waddle Doo, whereas I'm a fan of Broom Hatter. There's just something about the design that I like.

Brotherly Standoff by Jon Causith247 viewsThe relations between Mega Man and Proto Man have always been interesting. I wonder why Ruby Spears took it to the extremes they did though...

Roahm's Favorite Kirby Abilities by Jon Causith246 viewsI got to use all my favored abilities during the Arena project I did with Kit, Shagg, and Pink. Thus, I got to enjoy Ninja, Ice, Yo-yo, and Sword. I always did like such stylish abilities, and really wish Yo-yo would come back.

Favorite Silent Hill Weapons by Jon Causith245 viewsFor me, it's hard to beat the SH1 katana. It's the only way to fly! Jon can't resist the sheer awesome that is the SH2 chainsaw. Crazy screams for everyone!

Flames of Justice NOT by Jon Causith242 viewsI definitely have to agree, FlameMan is kind of weird. Also interesting to note, both Jon and I imagine Mr. Match with a cajun accent rather than the overblown Scottish stereotype he was in the English dub of the anime.

Time's Up by Jon Causith242 viewsHere we have a TimeMan Navi! I like the detail of his eyes being a digital clock display.

Most Epic Dual Crash by Jon Causith241 viewsSince I can't play Harmony of Despair online, I alas can't use Dual Crashes. A shame, they sound like they'd be fun to use.

The Rebounding Troll by Jon Causith240 viewsYou know those bouncy clown punching bag things? Perhaps it's a good thing you can't get close enough to punch ColorMan...

Oil Man Sketches by Jon Causith240 viewsOil Man is definitely a stylish Robot Master. It's interesting how the comic dealt with the "questionable" design by giving him a scarf to hide his face.

Tweet from Andrea by Jon Causith238 viewsAnd the results of posting pony art for the voice actress! It seems she liked it! SUCCESS!
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