Most viewed - EvilMariobot |

Eris by EvilMariobot291 viewsAn icy Stardroid based on a dwarf planet. She seems quite the determined sort.

Ultimate Troll Slime by EvilMariobot287 viewsDread Slime definitely comes off as the ultimate troll slime. The way it expands keeps your party from moving, so unless you manage to get stuck right next to the core, and good luck with that, you'll be stuck hoping you have enough MP to magic spam it to death.

Shark Man by EvilMariobot286 viewsHere we have a new vision for Shark Man. It's certainly more unique looking than the one from the PC game!

Utsuho Reiuji by EvilMariobot286 viewsYeaaaah, there's a reason I'm not playing Subterranean Animism. I haven't even beaten Utsuho on easy mode o.o;

Ceres by EvilMariobot285 viewsA spritely looking Stardroid based on a dwarf planet. This one seems like it could be quite a frantic battle.

Light Woman by EvilMariobot284 viewsThe last of EvilMariobot's Robot Masters, Light Woman's attack makes me think a bit of Lucent Beam from Secret of Mana. Quite a stylish look!

Earth Man by EvilMariobot283 viewsAnother of those names that I'm surprised they haven't used yet, here we have Earth Man. Come to think of it, surprised there hasn't been a Water Man yet...

Arrow Man by EvilMariobot283 viewsRather coincidental, this one. I too have a Robin Hood themed Robot Master by the name of Bow Man ^_^;

Star Gems by EvilMariobot282 viewsI'm usually not a major fan of what the industry calls "puzzle" games... and then there's Bejeweled...

Grapple Man by EvilMariobot276 viewsA custom robot master, Grapple Man seems all to ready to use those grappling arms of his to the best of his ability.

Haumea by EvilMariobot270 viewsA stardroid based on a dwarf planet, Haumea seems to have a Hawaiian volcano theme going.

Blue Eyes Red Eyes by EvilMariobot265 views...You know, that works disturbingly well, actually...
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