Most viewed - Kirby Pink |

Roahm Sprite by Kirby Pink184 viewsA sudden surprise, Kirby Pink made this rather nicely detailed sprite of my dragonny self!

Roahm Belmont by Kirby Pink6 viewsA bit of a more detailed sprite, based on some later Castlevania sprites.

Roahm 8 Bit by Kirby Pink6 viewsSome 8 bit Roahm sprites, referenced from various sources to make a durgon!

Vampire Killer Roahm by Kirby Pink6 viewsA cool sprite of my dragon form wielding the Vampire Killer!

Get the Knife by Kirby Pink5 viewsI think the Bloody Swords took issue with my dissing the knife...

Get the Knife by Kirby Pink4 viewsIt was just a one time thing for demonstrations!