Most viewed - Wason Liu |

Helping Roahm by Wason Liu57 viewsI like to think the Robot Masters, if not outright friendly to me, at least have some begrudging respect from me beating them in a fair fight. Some are perhaps less satisfied with the arrangement than others.

No Dragons Allowed by Wason Liu54 viewsAw, man, I had hoped Jewel Man and I were on good terms...

Afraid of Ghosts by Wason Liu53 viewsYoumu, you do realize you're half ghost and kinda have this spirit ball following you, yes?

Youmu in 1st by Wason Liu52 viewsApparently in the 2020 Touhou popularity poll, Youmu came in 1st. Some of the runner ups aren't too happy. Apologies for the small size on the rankings there, just a reminder, I do have to size things down a bit to upload them sometimes if they're too big when sent my way. Also dang, most of my favorites ranked pretty low. So it goes.

A Gift From Cirno by Wason Liu51 viewsSomething tells me I shouldn't accept such a gift. That something is named Suwako.

The Beloved Tomboyish Ice Fairy by Wason Liu39 viewsGood ol' Cirno with one of her many frozen frogs. She's definitely one of the more iconic Touhou characters out there.

Reimu to the Rescue by Wason Liu36 viewsReimu might not be my favorite Touhou character (honestly a Ryu problem that just the rest of the cast tends to outshine her for me), but hey, anyone that helps me out with bird problems.

Quick Man's Trap by Wason Liu31 viewsWell, if nothing else, Quick Man knows what I like. But to be fair, there's a lot of people out there distracted by shinies.

Freeze Man is Mad by Wason Liu31 viewsGiven his CD profile, it's known that Freeze Man dislikes pollution, hence his weakness to Junk Shield.... But really I'd hope anyone would be upset with this kind of a scenario.

Snatched by a Ghost by Wason Liu31 viewsYuyuko, I know you're hungry and all, but there have to be better options than stealing a pizza from a dragon...
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