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Roahm and Star Man by cooljobsrule794 viewsPart of a proposed series on questioning how different Robot Masters feel about me. It seems there is question as to why I always talk about the shininess of Crystal Man and Jewel Man, but not Star Man. Well, I am after all a dragon, and we do love treasure... Still, Star Man is indeed quite shiny... perhaps there's room for him in my hoard after all...

Sword Man Interview by cooljobsrule483 viewsRule number two of interviewing Robot Masters : don't insult a man of honor.

Snake Man Interview by cooljobsrule482 viewsIt looks like my fellow reptile is a bit of a fan boy! Though there's a fine line between that and stalker... Still, I must admit, nice cosplay outfit!

Knight Man Interview by cooljobsrule447 viewsHmm... So Knight Man was holding back?... It seems a shame his training didn't help...

Napalm Man Interview by cooljobsrule446 viewsFirst rule of interviewing Robot Masters : don't tick off the guy with all the weapons!

Toad Man Interview by cooljobsrule435 viewsIt's nice to see Toad Man getting a chance at a new job. The poor guy desperately needed a break.

Magic Man Interview by cooljobsrule388 viewsMagic Man evidently isn't just about stage magic after all! Evidently he can do full sprite makeovers! No one knows how the trick is done.

Wily Castle 6 by cooljobsrule368 viewsToad Man seems to be ready to aid their plan at any cost. Such a brave toad!

Wily Castle 1 by cooljobsrule361 viewsIt looks like something is afoot at Wily's castle... With the master away, the others are in search of a new leader, and it seems he's made himself known. What does the future hold for this group?

Wily Castle 3 by cooljobsrule352 viewsIt looks like it's time for a test of leadership ability! With some destructive robots on the loose, he'll have to pick the right teams to go after them. At least an angry Slash Man should help if he's on your side...

Wily Castle 4 by cooljobsrule349 viewsIt looks like Napalm Man is going even crazier than before! This doesn't sound good for Quick Man and Needle Man...

Wily Castle 5 by cooljobsrule340 viewsIt looks like Overdrive Napalm was too much for Quick Man and Needle Man to handle. The crew will have to handle this one themselves! Oh, and Search Man evidently got into an argument with himself, so that's one less problem at least...