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Family Photo by GandWatch984 viewsGalaxy Man and Suika Ibuki... Both are cute, both summon black holes... But getting them together might be a dangerous concept... GandWatch made special mention that the drawn image in this pic was not done by him. If anyone knows who actually drew it, the info would be nice to have.

Perfect Runner by GandWatch951 viewsGandWatch put together this screen, showing my Perfect Run challenges as though it was an arcade game setup. It looks like there's even a secret level of my Cut Man No Miss Perfect Run! Scary, that...

Mega Issues by GandWatch951 viewsThere were several reasons for not letting anyone from Mega Man into Smash Bros... Spike allergies, unwillingness to fight, overdone transformation sequences, asking for too much money...

Screw It, I'm Lan Hikari! by GandWatch946 views......This seems completely in character for Lan in all honesty. He does have a nasty tendency of just charging in without any forethought X)

Frosted Exes by GandWatch936 viewsAnother sprite comic sent in by GandWatch, this time explaining perhaps just why there was never a FrostMan.EXE..... Maybe it was for the best...

Toad Man's Nightmare by GandWatch930 viewsPoor Toad Man never gets a break. First the most easily manipulated AI in the history of Mega Man, and now Cirno's here to freeze him...

Chance Time! by GandWatch930 viewsOh gods.... The two most evil words in all of gaming... So often have I been screwed over by Chance Time...

A Matter of Clones by GandWatch924 viewsIt really bothered me that they cut characters from Brawl. I quite hated that fact. I always wondered why they cut Mewtwo since his moves were unique... Now we know!

Quint's Attack by GandWatch916 viewsAs much as it would have made sense for Wily to load Quint up with all the Robot Master weapons... I think we can be glad he didn't...

Drill Now Ask Later by GandWatch912 viewsIt can be a bit difficult to approach Drill Man... Seems he's a bit quick on the attack...

Quick Man's Secret Garden by GandWatch908 viewsGandWatch did warn me about the dangers of giving him ideas... This was spawned when comments brought up the subject of Hanabiran possibly being made by Quick Man... This led to thinking of him as a gardener...

Russian Typos by GandWatch900 viewsThis was made as a tribute image for my hitting 1000 subscribers on my YouTube account. But seriously? Congartulations? I forgot about that typo ^_^;
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