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Charging Forward by GandWatch432 viewsSo courageous, the MettFire that laid down its digital life to protect its virus brothers in battle. You will not be forgotten, brave Wizard of the Flames.

Spring by GandWatch432 viewsAhh, Lily White... So cute... so sweet... so maddeningly annoying when you're trying to jump across pits...

Met Man by Neo432 viewsI'm rather surprised the official games never had a Met Man... Neo's design for him is quite nice, nicely decorated, the shoulder pads also working better to look like a Met's feet.

Nurse Wahwee from GandWatch431 views......There are times that I will get a pic from Neo which he says was inspired by a comment I haven't seen yet.... This was one of those times.... I really don't know what to say about channel comments sometimes..... ^_^;

We Have a Monkey by GandWatch431 viewsWell, if one really thinks about it, this was basically DK's original role... ^_^; Mario, I think you're going to need a bigger plane...

King Dedede by GandWatch431 views......Oh dear... Dedede should be happy with his usual looks... ^_^;

Snake Man on a Plane by GandWatch431 viewsAfter sending this, GandWatch reminded me of one of the most ridiculous things I had ever heard : the censor dubbing for Snakes on a Plane, which resulted in the line "I'm tired of these monkey fightin' snakes on this monkey fightin' plane." Annoying as they are... sometimes beeps are just less stupid.

Manafestation by GandWatch431 viewsSure, Cannon Travel might be convenient... but doesn't anyone think of the poor, innocent wildlife?!

Warning, Maid Ahead by GandWatch430 viewsA rampaging Sakuya is not something you want to be in the way of! Trust me, I've been there! o.o;

Girl Talk by GandWatch430 viewsHmm... Kalinka seems dubious about this pairing perhaps...

Stolen Bikes by GandWatch430 viewsWell, so long as she didn't steal his chocolate, she should be safe...

Dr Gyoniku by Neo430 viewsAnd here he is, the fish behind everything, Dr. Gyoniku! (which, by the way, translates to Fish Meat) Still, evil or not, the guy's got a nice apartment.
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