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Even More Frigging Crossovers by GandWatch894 viewsZero may have gotten into Tatsunoko vs. Capcom... but it seems Heat Man has a different hero. From my understanding, G Lightan does share some similarities with Heat Man...

Wrong Answer to the Wrong Maid by GandWatch893 viewsGenerally, I don't talk about the "hotness" of game characters. Evidently, this was a mistake when dealing with Sakuya. In my defense though, I didn't make any of those fandom accusations against you, and I did praise your abilities, and, well, yes, you're attractive. Doesn't that count for anything?

SHEEP by Neo879 viewsSee, now THIS is more what I would have expected of a sheep in Silent Hill...

Memory of a R.A.W.R. by GandWatch877 viewsThis was quite an unexpected tribute comic, sprite-ifying my old R.A.W.R. comics, also viewable here in the gallery. He didn't have sprites of Kitfox, Stallone, Cale, or Celeste to work with, so he subbed in Ice Man, Toad Man, a Met, and a Telly. Quite nicely done!

Ten is for Tengu, Pt 1 by GandWatch857 viewsThis comic was a bit on the large side, so I needed to split it into two parts. It looks like Tengu Man and Aya are having a nice date... until Magic Man just had to show up and ruin the fun.

Flashing Moments by GandWatch843 viewsA bit of an extra tag to the "Can't Be All Ice" comic. Some moments are best kept only to those that lived it.

A Raving Impulse by GandWatch840 views......Well, Rabbids are good at causing insanity, and seem to come from the moon.... distant relatives of yours, Reisen?

Ten is for Tengu, Pt 2 by GandWatch812 viewsThe second half of the comic. Looks like Tengu Man might need to take some lessons from his new girlfriend...

Nowhere Man by GandWatch807 views......I do believe GandWatch has successfully won the "Lan Goes to Nowhere" contest... if there was one.... um.... yeah ^_^; I do think this is probably the most well done result of that, this and the Silent Hill one I think were my favorites X)

Touhou Memes by GandWatch804 viewsThe number of recursive memes from Touhou is staggering. For instance, Flandre's theme, U.N.Owen Was Her?, was used for the infamous McRoll video, playing clips of Japanese McDonald's commercials to the tune... which then inspired videos of Flandre dancing to the music and making Ronald McDonald's poses... Scary stuff...

Poor Shrine Maiden by GandWatch784 viewsIt looks like poor Reimu is still having trouble finding donations, even with the odd variance of characters she's dealing with these days...

Breeding Madness by GandWatch784 viewsWith a title referencing Shagg's Dragon Warrior Monsters LP, it seems Wily didn't know when to stop breeding new Devils. Dead Devil? That's going a bit too far, Wily!
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