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Drill A beats Drill B by GandWatch635 viewsHmm... Rock Paper Scissors could be a bit difficult for the Robot Master populous... And then when you go stealing everyone else's powers.... well.... It could get complicated ^_^;

Cooked With Love by GandWatch633 viewsIn Gensokyo, one always has to worry about the food chain. It must not be easy being a rabbit in this world, but I guess Reisen isn't on the menu today.

Creating Everything by GandWatch633 viewsPerhaps we should be thankful Gemini Man can't split THIS much o.o;

Nitro Boost by GandWatch632 viewsI actually have Excitebike World Tour.... I am not that good at it X) Nitro Man would beat me handily.

Mega Man 2 Wallpaper by GandWatch631 viewsNext up, we have Mega Man 2! If you look at Mega Man in each spot, you might notice that we seem to have the "official" weakness chain represented here.

The Unloved Item 3 by GandWatch630 viewsPoor Item 3... The least loved of Mega Man's utilities...

My Internet Family and Me by Neo627 viewsYou have to be careful what you say with Neo around... XD In talking about myself and my friends, I referred to us as a wacky sitcom internet family of sorts, and Neo pounced XD

Request for a Thief by GandWatch624 viewsCome now... You didn't think things would be THAT easy, did you? I'm a wise dragon and I always look after my shinies.

HardMan EXE by GandWatch623 viewsHardMan here has had a difficult life. Picked on by other Navis in his earlier life, he became desperate to upgrade himself at all costs. He thus began to hack and customize himself, going so far that he ended up severely glitching himself.

Racing Complex by GandWatch621 viewsHmm... Must be the Pharaoh Man equivalent of YOU KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN!

Number 9 Runs Wild by GandWatch621 viewsIt's not Cirno this time around, but Robot Master #9. Who knew there was such debate on the topic of robotic underwear? ^_^;

Time Fer a Big Bang by GandWatch620 viewsHmm, a Bomberman game with Robot Master powers... That sounds fun... but also very hectic XD
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