Most viewed - NeoGandWatch |

The Magic Word Is by GandWatch620 views...Yes, yes I do, Mega Man....... ::deep breath:: CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!! Oh Chen, you are freaking adorable...

Running Away by GandWatch616 viewsComments on my channel resulted in this display of what would happen if I woke up in Flandre's basement... Really though, I didn't mean to make her cry...

Pain Colored Love Spark by GandWatch612 viewsThey say love hurts... but I don't think they realized it could hurt THIS much.

PumpMan EXE by GandWatch611 viewsThis version of PumpMan seems to be inspired by Chaos from the Sonic games. He has the ability to hide away in various pipes. It seems like this could be quite a hectic battle!

The Gang Plays Duck Hunt by GandWatch607 viewsI suppose when you're used to just spamming bullets all over the place, one doesn't exactly get a lot of experience with aiming...

The Butcher by GandWatch603 viewsMan.... the last stage of Psychonauts.... wow. Yeah, they really got the nightmare fuel going with the infamous Meat Circus...

The Shining Truth by Neo601 viewsDrawn by BlackRaiden and colored by Neo, this version shows just how close my colors are to a Shiny Dragonite. The original sketched version can be found in BlackRaiden's gallery. Keep that Master Ball awaaaaaaay!!!

Lazy Days by GandWatch600 viewsToad Man and Suwako are already cute together. And then we have an adorable Sheep Man.... And yes, Cloud Man still looks like he's flipping us off ^_^;

Dwck EXE by GandWatch598 viewsFear it! A true marvel of Norsk programming! No firewall is safe! No server is secure! GandWatch postulated this as being Shagg's Navi. It is truly a force of awesome.

Farfetch'd Evolution by GandWatch596 viewsIn a recent topic on the forums, people were discussing ideas for the 6th gen of Pokemon. Among the things I'd like to see, I mentioned wanting to see a Farfetch'd evolution, the poor little duck desperately needs one. Neo was quick to provide this sleek and stylish ninja duck! I would so train one of these.

Mega Man 4 Wallpaper by GandWatch595 viewsThe series continues with Mega Man 4! This one has a slight bit of a cameo if you check Toad Man's spot... Also, nice timing on screen-capping the Flash Stopper in use!

What is a Man by GandWatch588 viewsI'd think the Touhou crew might have an even more difficult time answering this question... After all, there are very few male characters, and it's extremely rare any of them are even mentioned... I mean, the most famous one is probably Rinnosuke, and he's never even BEEN in the games o.o;
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