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Needle Man Demotivational by EvilMariobot301 viewsI still need to try the Day in the Limelight 3 demo...

Mega Buster by MrmarioRBLX301 viewsIt works on the power of lemons and dreams. Obviously.

Roahm vs Quick Man by LTFC1992300 viewsIf only Quick Man was a complete punching bag...

Roahm's Nightmare by familyking1300 viewsHmm.... well, it's a direct approach, though admittedly, I'm surprised Quick Man is on here the fewest times.

Jewel Satellite Card by Tom0027300 viewsOoh..... so shiny......... shiiiiiiiinyyyyyyyyy...... Oh, right, anyway it's an equip type card that seems to be useful for both attack and defense, just as it should be.

Mega Man PC vs NES by DelralionV2300 viewsThe makers of the PC Mega Man games were a bit on the lazy side... Here we see just HOW lazy...

Worse than a Nightmare by KevROB948300 viewsI'm sure there are lots that want to see me Perfect Run the Doc Robot stages... I'd probably do it if not for Doc Quick. I haven't figured out a way to deal with that, trust me, I've tried... I know it CAN be done, I've SEEN it, but.... agh, yeah... I'd like to see something more certain...

Bad Apple by Bailey Cowell-fong300 viewsBad Apple is definitely one of my favorite Touhou videos, quite catchy and with very stylish visuals.

Why, Roahm, Why by Bowserslave300 views.... I seriously hadn't even thought of this at the time I drew Old Timey Guts Man with a cigar ^_^;; I was really just referencing old inkblot style cartoons where big tough guys often had them ^_^;

A War's End with No Beginning by KamenRiderXDS299 viewsNO I DO NOT WANT TO DO THE X SERIES! I mean, look at the results if I don't mess with it! Sigma gets to take over the world, I get to relax, X doesn't have to fight anymore, and Zero gets to join Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. Sounds like EVERYONE wins!

Toad Man Comforts Elec Man by jeffrey299 viewsPoor Elec Man... Ever since the revenge video, it's been tough for him. At least he has company, Toad Man knows what it's like to have an easily exploited AI...

Battle of Evil by Bowserslave299 viewsA battle between Dark Bowser and Quick Man? I know whose side I'm on.... especially with that little admission of Quick Man's...
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