Most viewed - Fan Art |

GET IN MA BELLY by Bowserslave298 viewsEvidently, this stemmed from another random channel comment from EXEcosmoman20, if memory serves.

MMPU2 Air Man by TPPR10298 viewsHere we have some ideas for Air Man in MMPU2. Interesting thought, having him start with Item 2 since you have to beat him to get it.

Roahm's Army pt 8 tAll3ShyguySkullLand298 viewsI wonder about Big Eyes helping me, but I'll certain take the assistance!

Danmaku Pipis by Bowserslave298 views.....Well then, I guess Pipis COULD be worse o.o;

Roahm by SlasherSeraphicat298 viewsQuite a cute rendition, this one, with very nice, light colors ^_^

Stereo Woman by EvilMariobot298 viewsIt does rather surprise me that, with as many music inspired names as Mega Man has, there hasn't really been a music themed Robot Master...

Psychotic Burner Man by jsonic872297 views............Right then.... ::runs screaming into the distance::

MMNGB Bass by DelralionV2297 viewsHere we have a Bass select screen for DelralionV2's new Game Boy MM idea.

Fire Man's Reaction by TPPR10297 viewsOh dear... I do believe the Flames of Justice just went critical...

Boss Rush Outtakes by thesonicgalaxy297 viewsOh dear... Yellow Devil pieces that big.... that's a frightening thought.

Quick Man and Coffee Don't Mix by hyperslug64297 viewsIf there's anything Quick Man doesn't need, it's caffeine.

Playable Bell Man Sprites by Hfbn2297 viewsThis is something Hfbn2 recently contemplated, the possibility of making the Robot Masters of Mega Man Maximum playable. I'd absolutely love to see this happen.
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