Most viewed - Fan Art |

Old Faces, New Places by DeathHarbingerAnubis292 viewsIt seems Quick Man and Freeze Man's Navi counterparts are ready to try to get revenge for their Robot Master bretheren. I'm all for it, bring it on!

Trolls Must Die by KevROB948292 views...Yes, yes they must. Trolls are always annoying, and one thing that will quickly get someone blocked from my channel.

Kit by EXEcosmoman20292 viewsEvidently part of a set of cards, when Kit is successfully summoned, you can draw Pink from your deck.

Nightmare Requirements by dalo2953292 viewsWho better to explain what makes a Nightmare Boss than the most annoying of them all?

Mobile Mega Man and Wily by Bowserslave292 viewsHmm... Looks like Mega Man needs a diet ^_^; As for Wily, looks like he doesn't come with outlines. A bit of laziness due to appearing on a black background?

Shadow Man Trainer Card by TPPR10292 viewsThis indeed seems quite a fitting team for a ninja ^_^

FEAR THE PLANK by InvisibleCoinBlock292 viewsFear it! It is a mighty weapon! Bow down before the plank!

Mad's Fabulous Spriting by Bowserslave292 views......Really? Are they even trying?

Smug Man by Bowserslave292 views....That is indeed a ridiculously smug look you've got there, Proto Man.

Echo Mythril by beedolphin292 viewsEcho can be rather good at keeping me focused on what I'm supposed to be doing, rather than being distracted by all the shinies...

Random Block Formation by Bowserslave292 viewsHmm.... Suddenly a train? That is rather odd, but it does match ChargeMan.EXE rather well.

Heal Balls by Jon Causith292 viewsIt's rare I actually care about the effects of a capture ball... I'm more interested in the colors and patterns! I like to try to catch Pokemon in balls that kind of go with how they look.
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