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Favorite Robot Masters - 2nd Place by Jon Causith292 viewsFor 2nd place, we both went on the shiny side! Jon's was more shiny in the way of light, going with Flash Man. I went for Crystal Man.

Arsenal Favorites MM6 by Jon Causith292 viewsIt looks like we've both gone with more physical attacks this time. I favor the upward swing of the Silver Tomahawk, while Jon likes the overall power and return arc of Knight Crush. Also special mention to the Adaptor Suits!

Met Rangers by KevROB948291 viewsOoh, a rainbow of heroic Mets? Awesome!

Fool Man Spritesheet by Hfbn2291 viewsWhen I first saw Fool Man, I wasn't quite sure what to make of him. Thus, the artist was kind enough to show me a sprite sheet, showing his abilities and jack-in-the-box nature.

New Bell Man Stage 1 by Hfbn2291 viewsAccording to Hfbn2, this is the final revised version of Bell Man's stage, changing the foreground objects a bit to add bell insignia panels, as well as a book theme to some of the platforms.

King Troll Drop by TPPR10291 viewsAble to immobilize your team by constantly expanding? Forcing magic spam? Yeah, Dread Slime is the biggest troll drop yet.

GutsMan by Dragoonknight717291 viewsGutsMan.EXE is not to be taken lightly. As easy as he is in the GBA games, that's how HARD he can be in Network Transmission o.o;

Roahm by Duskool291 viewsYou know, this looks about how like I'd want my room to look. I always did l ove crystalline structures like that.

SH4 Walfas by DelralionV2291 viewsThere's one thing about this image that worries me. I wonder if anyone has ever been sadistic enough to make you deal with a BLIND escort mission...

The 1up Curse by Grye290 viewsYou know.... this is about how it feels sometimes... ^_^;

CJR does Science - Mets by cooljobsrule290 viewsSo everyone knows that Mets are adorable... but how does that break down scientifically? It's good to finally have an explanation for this phenomenon.

Cut Man vs Wind Man by Bowserslave290 viewsLet the epic battle of Kung Fu Robot Masters begin!
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