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Mega Man-opoly 9 by Tom0027288 viewsWhatever you do, never give Dr. Wily ideas... Also, never flaunt your good image in front of him.

Goodbye for Now by cooljobsrule288 viewsIt seems cooljobsrule is off for awhile... What better way to mark the occasion than a toad dance? Get down!

Voltage Woman Stage by Hfbn2288 viewsThis stage looks like it means business! But will Voltage Woman go for the Electric Robot Master's favorite toy, the disappearing block segment?

Worse Sprites from Worst Game by Bowserslave288 viewsMega Man II is known as being a rather flawed game. The music is generally dreadful, as are the sound effects. But these unused sprites... Wow, that Hard Man looks REALLY off o.o;

Hastega Slowga by TPPR10288 viewsThere was a ridiculous moment during my Boss Rush videos in which I said "Anything to speed this up." Copy Robot then used Time Slow. PERFECT!

Smug Shield in Action by Bowserslave288 viewsEven enough to deflect a force beam? Sign me up!

Quick Man by EXEcosmoman20288 viewsIt seems Quick Man here plays into his role of "leader of the nightmare bosses."

Pranko's Bad Habit by Robin288 viewsAh Pranko... It's become a rather frequent event for him to see the reaper. Methinks Valor is tired of buying Cups of Wishes.

Ultimate Troll Slime by EvilMariobot288 viewsDread Slime definitely comes off as the ultimate troll slime. The way it expands keeps your party from moving, so unless you manage to get stuck right next to the core, and good luck with that, you'll be stuck hoping you have enough MP to magic spam it to death.

Director by beedolphin288 viewsAh, the director... Hmm... One has to wonder just what he actually looks like...

Arrow Man by EvilMariobot288 viewsRather coincidental, this one. I too have a Robin Hood themed Robot Master by the name of Bow Man ^_^;

Light Woman by EvilMariobot288 viewsThe last of EvilMariobot's Robot Masters, Light Woman's attack makes me think a bit of Lucent Beam from Secret of Mana. Quite a stylish look!
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