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Going Nowhere by GandWatch717 viewsYet another interpretation of the Metroline to Nowhere, evidently there was a location in Mother 3 called Nowhere Island...

Quick Can Can by GandWatch717 viewsHmm... Quick Man doing the Can Can.... I don't know whether to be amused or disturbed... My apologies to GandWatch for the mess that was caused over this picture, as someone else tried to claim ownership of it, only to later be banned from DeviantArt, in all likelihood, due to art theft.

If I Copy by GandWatch716 viewsIt looks like they're pretty evenly matched... but what if they try to copy each other...?

Pokemon Master by GandWatch714 viewsSay what you will about Mega Man, but he certainly doesn't understand Pokemon.

Cirno is Smart by Ace-heart714 viewsWho says Cirno's a baka? The one saying baka is the baka!

Path of the Ninja by GandWatch713 viewsWhen I did the MM9 Perfect Runs, invariably the topic of similarities between Splash Woman and Leviathan, and Tornado Man and Harupia came up. There is also the fan belief that Magma Man is the parallel to Fefnir... but what about Phantom? Could a remixed soundtrack hold the answer?

Song of Storms by GandWatch712 viewsIt looks like Toad Man really has found a kindred spirit in Suwako. Perhaps love is indeed in the air! Unfortunately for Hyrule, so is rain, and lots of it.

Roahm's Stage pt 1 by MegaBetaman711 viewsThis is a rather large project being worked on by MegaBetaman. I've had to edit it a little on my end due to the large size, but hopefully this gets the idea across. It seems we're going into a volcano with a troublesome lavafall.

3D Quick Man by Ace-heart711 viewsSo Quick Man has taken to hiding in that Dot Heroes game? As long as he's not pestering me... ^_^;

Met Army by Ace-heart709 viewsAh, such a glorious army! And so adorable, too!

BFF Right by GandWatch708 viewsSo quickly do old friends turn when offered a new job... But then, does anyone really like Quint anyway?

Heaven by Ace-heart706 views......Oooooh....... um....... right, I'll get back to this later...
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