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Deal With It by TPPR10285 viewsAs much as Smugleaf seemed to fit, I've gotten used to Snivy by now, and look forward to getting one of my own.

Undead Skull Man by TPPR10285 views......Methinks poor Skull Man has seen better days.

Sabrina by beedolphin285 viewsAh, Sabrina. My favorite of the Gym Leaders. Her anime appearance was my favorite style for her, I loved her voice and outfit. The fact that she uses Kadabra, my all-time favorite Pokemon, just makes her all the more awesome in my book.

Dragon Buster by beedolphin285 viewsI've always loved swords, especially katanas, and thus it became my weapon of choice. This one looks quite nice indeed.

Adult Link by beedolphin285 viewsI've always liked Adult Link's design. I'm glad they went more with that for Twilight Princess. The boyish charm of Young Link is nice and all, but Adult Link has quite a nice feeling of nobility to him. Unless you count the old cartoons. Excuuuuuuuse me, princess!

Bass Theme Song by ItalianRobot285 viewsTo the theme of the original Pokemon cartoon intro. So this is what's really going through Bass' mind?

Star Gems by EvilMariobot285 viewsI'm usually not a major fan of what the industry calls "puzzle" games... and then there's Bejeweled...

Berserk Buttons Unite by StormingNova285 viewsInspired by my BERSERK BUTTONS Worms team, StormingNova decided to combine them into one force of annoyance. Fear the berserk buttons!

Were-Roahm by SilentDragonite149285 viewsBut if I'm a weredragon, does that mean I get a cool jazz combo battle theme?

SheepMan EXE by InvisibleCoinBlock284 viewsI don't know why everyone hates Sheep Man so much... He'd be like the cuddliest Robot Master ever! And now he's a Navi!

Cursed by MrNintendorulez284 viewsNever trust a 1up. NEVER! It can't end well...

Solar Man is Humiliated Even More by cardmaster9284 viewsPoor Solar Man, he really hasn't been having a good week...
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