Most viewed - Fan Art |

He's Only Happy When it Rains by Jon Causith279 viewsYou know, the lyrics really work quite well for Toad Man... X)

Grapple Man by EvilMariobot279 viewsA custom robot master, Grapple Man seems all to ready to use those grappling arms of his to the best of his ability.

Mettaur Plumbing by StormingNova279 viewsHmm... Here's hoping the Mario Bros. have some Navis that can help...

Literal by Duskool279 viewsIn all fairness, I do like Wriggle, so I wouldn't mind her hanging around. And Suwako's pretty darn cute too.

Mega Man & Bass by LuigiMan200278 viewsIt seems LuigiMan200 came to the same conclusion as Pink and I : MM&B was definitely NOT made with Mega Man in mind.

Proposal by YankeeKirby278 viewsWell, it's a nice ring and all... but perhaps you should have seen Jewel Man to decorate it a bit.

Dominerds by Bowserslave278 views......I always did think that was a weird name for these things...

Glyde DS by Bowserslave278 viewsSo here we have a DarkSoul version of Glyde. If ever the phrase "the butler did it" would apply...

Hot Skitty on Wailord Action by KevROB948278 viewsYes, Skitty and Wailord are in the same breeding group... The less thought about that, the better....

MMPU2 Wood Man by TPPR10278 viewsGiving Wood Man a log roll move seems like it could be quite fun to play around with. That and making the Leaf Shield stay until you decide to throw it, that could be useful.

No Originality by KevROB948278 viewsHmm... In a way, that's kind of a trippy visual effect...

Full Synchro by beedolphin278 viewsIn the anime, Full Synchro worked a lot differently than it did in the games. Essentially, Full Synchro tended to be the "heroes win now" button. However, it did take a lot of energy to pull it off and once the effects wore off... well, that's the trouble with it.
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