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WeedsMan EXE WIP by Jon Causith278 viewsHere we have a new Navi being made by Jon Causith. WeedsMan here evidently lives to drain energy from healthy programs and Navis.

Top 10 Robot Masters No 6 by Jon Causith278 viewsStar power rules the day for Jon, netting Star Man 6th place. Meanwhile, I chose Pharaoh Man, placing him one spot above Jon's list.

Level Select by Jody Hagan278 viewsThis might be a tricky set to get through...

Met Devil by Tom0027277 viewsIt looks like Tom0027 has decided to add some muscle to my Met collection. This should do the trick!

3000 Subs Congrats by Bowserslave277 viewsIt seems I've almost hit 3000 subs on my channel! But never hire Yamato Man to do your writing for you.

Megaman Fortress Network by Tom0027277 viewsIt looks like the Battle Network gang is enjoying a bit of Team Fortress style fun. Who will win in this conflict?

Classic Mavericks by TPPR10277 viewsHmm... This does seem to work... But see, they're not in dark gritty angst land, so it's cool.

MegaMan vs Tails ber 2 by JokerTH08277 viewsANd now he has an aura in place? My money's definitely on the cute fox.

New Fool Man Stage Design by Hfbn2277 viewsAh, Fool Man... Those down arrows aren't tricking me.... or is going right the actual trap.... Hmm....

Rock-it Lan by Jon Causith277 viewsSeriously, could he have used this silly pun more times in MMBN2? XD

Heather vs Travis by DelralionV2277 viewsIt's true what they say, one man's trash is another man's... weapon cache?...

Top Ten Favorite Robot Masters - No 3 by Jon Causith277 viewsIt looks like we were after speed and agility for 3rd place. Jon took the speeding star Nitro Man, whereas I went with the agile ninja Shadow Man.
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