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Can't Be All Ice Pt 2 by GandWatch705 viewsSeparated into two parts due to size
This comic struck me as quite heartwarming. It came on a night where I really wasn't feeling all that good, and truly made me smile. This is one of the reasons I like to share the fan art I receive, in the hopes that it can cheer others up as well.

System Crash by GandWatch704 viewsThis is truly a masterful conversation. The O RLY? owl and Rumia obviously have lots to discuss... Just a shame the internet and my computer can't fathom the depth of their discussion...

Place Your Bets by Ace-heart704 viewsSometimes, when a fight breaks out, all you can do is sit back, watch.... and take bets.

Cave Story is Dark by Ace-heart704 views....Does it really get THAT dark? I mainly just got the ending where basically everyone dies, so.... am I missing even more darkness?

El Todopoderoso Sombrero by GandWatch703 views....Now I can't NOT see him wearing a sombrero and poncho, and speaking with a Mexican accent... ^_^;

Mega Man 3 Navis by TPPR10703 viewsNext up is the Navi group for MM3. Gemini Spark is subbing in since there was no GeminiMan.EXE, but there was no real suitable counterpart for Hard Man.

Worst Rival Ever by Ace-heart703 viewsEvidently, in Black and White, you have two rivals... meaning one poor soul has to choose the starter weak to yours...

BFF by Ace-heart701 viewsIt looks like Toad Man has made a new friend! Evidently Shadow Man has frogs to help in in the fighting games.

CrystalMan EXE Spritesheet by andrewsallee700 viewsA set of sprites for CrystalMan.EXE, as designed by RaidenNagare. These seem quite professionally done, quite nice work, this.

Spookshire EXE by ZakkiOrichalcum696 viewsAn original Navi sent in by ZakkiOrichalcum, which seems to be his own Navi. Currently he wants to do a fan made Battle Network game, but he needs sprite artists. If anyone viewing this is interested, go check out his YouTube channel.

Sweet Lightning Revenge by Ace-heart696 viewsIf you want revenge, lightning from on high is a good way of getting it.

Otaku Pride by GandWatch694 viewsWell.... To be fair, in the Japanese anime, Higsby (or Higure) was referred to as a chip otaku... ^_^;
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