Most viewed - Fan Art |

James by beedolphin276 viewsI always did like James. He at least seems to show more care for Pokemon.

Roahm's Worst Nightmare by StormingNova276 viewsA terrible alliance has been made... but he's in a room full of sparkly treasure... yep, goin' for it.

ChillMan EXE by InvisibleCoinBlock275 viewsThis ChillMan concept makes me think of the Freezies from Mario Bros. and the Smash Bros. games. I always loved using those things.

StrikeMan EXE by InvisibleCoinBlock275 viewsA rather playful, comical looking StrikeMan EXE. I can only imagine him being a friendly Navi battle, perhaps living in a baseball arcade game or something.

FreezeMan's Revised Report Card by jeffrey275 viewsFreezeMan must have been taking extra notes and studying feverishly for his finals, because he definitely improved. Perhaps he does not fail after all!

Sleep Soundly by Bailey Cowell-fong275 viewsHmm.... Can anyone really sleep soundly with Crash Man around? I still think his was the loudest Robot Master fight ever XD

Elec Man's Attack by Tom0027275 viewsFear the power of Elec Man's battery drain!

Roahm's Army pt 3 tAll3ShyguySkullLand275 viewsThese Screw Bombers seem to be operating levers of some sort...

Splash Woman Outtakes by thesonicgalaxy275 viewsIt seems Splash Woman's fish have gotten a bit angry with her! That could be problematic for her.

Not Full of Mets by TPPR10275 viewsCome to think of it, that IS rather strange... Why the non-Met? Didn't you get the memo?

Hyper Spray Purple Team by Bowserslave275 viewsNow here's an interesting idea. If the Robot Masters were playing Silent Hill 2, based on my difficulty rankings for them, which Hyper Spray would they earn? This only considers 1 - 6 as far as the Robot Masters are concerned. Hm... and I thought the Purple Spray was supposed to be tricky to end up with...

Pharaoh Man Approves by TPPR10275 viewsHmm... To be honest, this is a bit more of the sort of thing I dislike about Rockman Online... The detail is interesting, but it lacks the charm of the Classic series for me... It is rather telling that the artist who sent this in refers to this design as "Pharaoh Man X."
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