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I Have a Problem by Ace-heart610 viewsDANZAI!! DANZAI!!! Oh, um.... I'd better give her her hat back...

Quick Man vs Astro Crush by Dimentio610 views...Sounds good to me.

Birth of the Roahm Met Pt 3 by RaidenNagare609 viewsChoosing a color, that was a tricky bit... At least I learned one thing, never paint them pink. That's just asking for trouble.

The Gang Plays Duck Hunt by GandWatch608 viewsI suppose when you're used to just spamming bullets all over the place, one doesn't exactly get a lot of experience with aiming...

Stage Select by Invaderzgr604 viewsA stage select screen worked up by Invaderzgr, showing myself and three of my closest LPing friends. Though.... who's weak to who? According to the artist :
Shiny Man>Coat Man (Due to Shagg failing at Perfect Runs)
Coat Man>Speed Man (Due to Kit never using Save States)
Speed Man>Tango (Due to Kit being faster than Pink while finishing the stages)
Tango>Shiny Man (Due to Pink using all weapons instead of buster only)

You Can't Hide on the Net by MegaBetaman604 viewsGetting a message in MMBN2 from an "IronMan" seemed to inspire this... but I can just never get away from those who cause me grief...

The Butcher by GandWatch604 viewsMan.... the last stage of Psychonauts.... wow. Yeah, they really got the nightmare fuel going with the infamous Meat Circus...

Super Awesome Coffee by Ace-heart604 viewsI must admit, I've never liked the taste of coffee.

The Shining Truth by Neo602 viewsDrawn by BlackRaiden and colored by Neo, this version shows just how close my colors are to a Shiny Dragonite. The original sketched version can be found in BlackRaiden's gallery. Keep that Master Ball awaaaaaaay!!!

Lazy Days by GandWatch601 viewsToad Man and Suwako are already cute together. And then we have an adorable Sheep Man.... And yes, Cloud Man still looks like he's flipping us off ^_^;

Aqua Man vs Aquaman by Bowserslave601 viewsSay what you will about the Robot Master, but at least he can do more than talk to fish...

Dwck EXE by GandWatch599 viewsFear it! A true marvel of Norsk programming! No firewall is safe! No server is secure! GandWatch postulated this as being Shagg's Navi. It is truly a force of awesome.
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