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Rockdansen by GandWatch571 viewsQuite a spirited group we have here! Evidently, this was made using a Carmeldansen base of sorts from Tzyoku on DeviantArt.

Teamwork by GandWatch568 viewsIn Wily's defense, he's right, those two particular Robot Masters WEREN'T his creations X)

Giving the Good News by GandWatch568 viewsIndeed, Cirno brings up a good point. The poll certainly went to Ice Man being an honorary Nightmare Boss, and I do tend to just give the title to whoever ranked highest in a game... but someone as cute as Ice Man?... Well, it is an "honorary" title... ^_^;

Pink and Sylveon by Neo567 viewsPink likes to raise Eevee. Dangerous little Eevee that will kill you. This is bound to happen.

Evil Roll by GandWatch565 viewsBefore MM10 came out, Kit and I theorized the possibility of a secondary fortress being run by a Roboenza-posessed Roll. We imagined the castle being overtly obvious in style that Roll was running it, and that she was the one who beat up Wily and stole his machine. GandWatch gave us a visual on this.

Ghosts of Comments by GandWatch565 viewsThis was another of those...... whaaaa? moments on my comments page... I have no idea where all that came from... ^_^;;

The Gang Plays TF2 Pt 1 by GandWatch564 viewsIt looks like the gang has decided to take up a new game. It's all out war and rivalry between the BLU (Buster Lovers United) and the RED (Rocking Eastern Dream). Meet the Medic, the Heavy, the Soldier, and the Sniper!

The Periscope by GandWatch563 viewsThe Periscope truly DOES goe wherever it wants... even over to my channel despite starting as a joke on Shagg's channel ^_^;;

Patchouli EXE by GandWatch561 viewsTrying for something a bit different, GandWatch decided to make a Touhou Navi. Patchouli EXE was thus created, theorized to be a protective measure Patchouli put in place after discovering e-books. A further joke was made with the talisman worn on her dress being additional protections put in place to keep her safe from viruses. The joke thus is that Patchouli was patched.

JewelMan EXE by JUN0TheF0X559 viewsThis design for JewelMan.EXE is quite entrancing. Very myseterious looking. It appears his version of Jewel Satellite is more of a ring shield. Quite an interesting take on the shiniest Navi ever!

I Was Bored Again by Ace-heart559 viewsShikieki seems delighted by this offering of a flower!

Scrabble by GandWatch559 viewsOccasionally when one of Pink's broadcasts ends up a little short, we'll sometimes follow by broadcasting a game of Scrabble. Sure, that might sound dull... but Pink is highly skilled at inventing words that turn out to be real o.o;
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