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Sakuya Outtakes by GandWatch530 views....Run, Meiling. Run while you still can. Angry maid on the loose!

Mega Man 6 Wallpaper by GandWatch529 viewsNext up, we have Mega Man 6. This even helpfully shows some things like where the Energy Balancer was hidden.

Lovely E-mail by GandWatch529 viewsOh dear, it seems someone crashed Ice Man with an e-mail virus... and poor Cirno doesn't know what to make of the results ^_^;

Transylvanian Nonsense by GandWatch529 views...One does have to wonder just what kind of health benefits an ancient pot roast or roast turkey or such could really have... I mean, how long has that been in there?

Digitalized by GandWatch528 viewsIf Ice Man has Cirno, what does IceMan.EXE have? Well now we know! As an added touch, the binary code over the two is 5 and 9.

Going Nowhere Again by GandWatch527 viewsThis one had to be explained to me. Evidently this particular Nowhere is from a Looney Tunes game.

Alice's Notebook by GandWatch527 viewsIn Neo's comics, several Touhou girls have been paired with various Robot Masters. It's good to know someone's keeping track of things!

Don't Copy Him!!! by Drew526 viewsWhile I'm technically not out to compete with anyone else, I guess Dr. Wily's hoards harbor a grudge. So when travelling in 20XX, perhaps it would be best not to claim you're like me...

Who's the 9 Now by GandWatch526 viewsCirno does raise a point there... Sure Icicle Fall is legendary for how silly it is on Easy mode..... but just what are you doing playing Easy mode, anyway? You do realize Reisen and Tewi are laughing at you, don't you?

The Gang Plays TF2 Pt 3 by GandWatch525 viewsAnd now for the last two classes of character, meet the Spy and the Engineer. Mega Man seems to be over the whole thing though.

Uncle Quick Man by GandWatch525 viewsWell, if the Nightmare Bosses had a poster boy, Quick Man would be the one! Hopefully he's not looking for anyone that can surpass him... o.o;

Dr Ace by Ace-heart524 viewsDoes Ace have plans for world domination?
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