Most viewed - Fan Art |

Bossy Game by GandWatch492 views...But which is bossier? This, Navi from Ocarina of Time, or JUMP JUMP! SLIDE SLIDE!

A Popsicle of You by GandWatch492 viewsWell, it's nice to see Frost Man following up on his promises X) This does make me want ice cream treats though.

Judge Man by GandWatch491 viewsA Robot Master counterpart for JudgeMan.EXE. He seems to be inspired a good bit by Touhou's Shikeiki.

Achievement Unlocked by GandWatch491 viewsThis is admittedly one thing I like about the 360. There is something satisfying about getting your little flashy message telling you you did good.

Ninja'd by GandWatch490 viewsGandWatch's answer to the request for Ninja Higsbys. Ichinisan no jutsu! HUH!!! Yes, if anyone would have numeric ninja skills...

Kool Aid Style by GandWatch490 viewsIt's a scary thought, but that IS Guts Man's comment upon finishing a stage in Powered Up.... XD

The Shiny Fighters - The End by 11Natrium490 viewsWell that escalated quickly.

23 Up by GandWatch489 viewsAnd thus, Mega Man has been around for 23 years now! Happy anniversary, and enjoy your cake, as long as it doesn't curse you.

Armor Man by KevROB948488 viewsIt seems we have here a fully defensive Robot Master, even more so than Knight Man. Also, we have a literal shield weapon besides just Proto Man's now.

Huggy Plushie by GandWatch488 viewsMuch has been said about the cuteness of the Robot Masters in Mega Man Powered Up. Some even said they'd like plushies of the characters. I have to agree, they'd look quite cute ^_^;

The Word of a Freaking Genius by GandWatch487 viewsA cross of Quick Man and Needle Man?! In Navi form?! ......Perhaps the most frightening thing is it manages to look pretty cool.

Spot the Male by GandWatch487 viewsPoor Rinnosuke. The only guy in Gensokyo (unless you count Genji, and, well, he's a turtle). This of course has led to a lot of less than flattering fan art of him being a manly perv who runs around Gensokyo in only a fundoshi. All this and the poor guy has never even been in the games.
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