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Dealing With the Thief by Wason Liu143 viewsSomething tells me Marisa is not to be trusted...

The Strange Case of Fire Attracting Bats by ioddandodd142 viewsWell, it certainly works for Fire Keese...

Air and Wood Heartless by GeorgeTheRaccoon142 viewsThese two look quite unsettling. Something about Air Man's quasi steampunk look is rather unnerving.

Toad Raccoon by GeorgeTheRaccoon142 viewsIt seems in the MM8BDM servers, George has decided to fill the role of Toad Man! It is a fun game, though I'm not too good at it. It would be cool if I could get into the online games, but alas, that seems not to be in the cards for now.

Stealing Someone Else's Wings by ioddandodd142 viewsThose look familiar, I want to say I've seen the original source, but cannot place it...

EEW by ioddandodd142 viewsHmm... I really can't say if metal organs would be any less creepy to hold than organic ones... Either one seems creepy.

Ice Man by IrukaAoi142 viewsHere we have the always cute Ice Man, blowing a kiss to his beloved Cirno. Always a cute couple, those two.

PKR Forums World by GeorgeTheRaccoon142 viewsHere's an interesting one, a world based on Pink's forums? It seems to call to mind various areas and members of the forums, quite nicely as well.

Maria by GeorgeTheRaccoon142 views...Look, Shadow... it wasn't YOUR Maria... Trust me, you don't want to know the one I was stuck with...

Fridge Lazzorz by GeorgeTheRaccoon142 viewsEvidently this is an inside joke................. yyyyyup. I can't say I'm in on it.

Primer Oleo by IrukaAoi142 viewsQuite a colorful image, this was the first oil painting made by IrukaAoi! The colors are quite vivid and lively.

Sharkino by GeorgeTheRaccoon142 viewsI believe this is an original character of George's, though I'm not quite sure of the details this time around.
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