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Heartless Needle Man by GeorgeTheRaccoon140 viewsThis particular Heartless looks quite fearsom. Lots of sharp, pynty edges!

James' Magical Adventure Pt 15 by Drew140 viewsWARNING : Hanging out with Silent Hill's Nurses can be hazardous to your health... Come to think of it, I'm hard pressed to think of a way this COULDN'T be hazardous to your health.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 21 by Drew140 viewsCorrect answers or no, it looks like they'll have some tough times ahead. Pyramid Head has killed Maria (well, we know how that goes...), and seperated Momiji from the rest of the group.

DEMs Policy by ioddandodd140 viewsAh, the silliest Lying Figure in the game... I don't think you're going to do much up there, pal...

Country Clubber by GeorgeTheRaccoon140 viewsIt seems George has upgraded to Country Clubber over on the forums. And Cream the Rabbit drew this. Cream is adorable.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 23 by Drew140 views......COme to think of it, I suppose alternate outfits were one of the few things missing from the first two Silent Hill games. The rest of the series took care of it though to some degree or another.

Chibi Bowserslave and Sakuya by GeorgeTheRaccoon140 viewsHere we have a chibi Bowserslave, along with Sakuya. I'm not sure Travis Touchdown approves however.

Odd by ioddandodd140 viewsI think Odd is quite cheerfully breaking the fourth wall here...

George's Forms by GeorgeTheRaccoon140 viewsHere we have George showing off a few of his different "world" forms. I rather like the Space Paranoids look, but then, that was my favorite world in the games.

Living Bone by GeorgeTheRaccoon140 viewsIt's been awhile since I've played KH2, I barely remember these things o.o;

KH Shattering of Leaves by GeorgeTheRaccoon140 viewsSeemingly a titlecard of sorts to a project of George's, here we have Kingdom Hearts : Shattering of the Leaves.

Hina and Goofy by GeorgeTheRaccoon140 viewsWell, I suppose they do have the whole spinning thing in common, what with moves like Goofy Tornado.
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