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Pyramid Sonic by GeorgeTheRaccoon130 viewsYou know, I'm quite certain Pyramid Head is fast enough already on Hard mode... ^_^;

Which Weapon by GeorgeTheRaccoon130 viewsThe Hyper Spray is kind of a loser, and the pipe could certainly be better... But the rest all have merit!

James' Magical Adventure Pt 25 by Drew130 viewsYou know, if only the elevator was really that fast...

Search for an Angel Pt 4 by Drew130 viewsHaving that metal wire and grating forcefully attach itself like that can't be comfortable, but I'd be wary of thinking he weakened himself...

Archie (unarmed) by Elliot D130 viewsAnother enemy from Bow Man's stage. Archie is an invincible turret style enemy. However, the Devil Chain can relieve them of their weaponry.

Pyro Burns Spy by GeorgeTheRaccoon129 viewsImminent burn or not, I have to admit, I seem to look rather dapper as a Spy.

Satellite Frontier by GeorgeTheRaccoon129 viewsHere we have a rather stylish Keyblade designed around Galaxy Man. I think this looks quite nice ^_^

Heartless Attack by GeorgeTheRaccoon129 viewsThe Heartless are after Neo and Waddle Dee? This can't be good.

Neo Commander Heartless by GeorgeTheRaccoon129 viewsEvidently, this is quite a powerful and cunning Heartless, one who has slain Tauros' father. Quite a menacing figure, this one.

Met Man by thesonicgalaxy129 viewsHere we have a new design for Met Man. It does seem a lot of people want one to be around.

Total Drama Island by GeorgeTheRaccoon129 viewsIt seems George has made a new world, based upon the CN show Total Drama Island. It can be amusing sometimes, though I don't follow it that solidly.

Math is Evil by GeorgeTheRaccoon129 viewsWhat else is there to say? Math is COMPLETELY evil! EVIL! It was designed by birds! It's THAT BAD!
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