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Catgame's Face Soul by GeorgeTheRaccoon121 views......Fear the face. FEAR IT!

George the Raccoon Portrait by GeorgeTheRaccoon121 viewsHere we have a nifty little self portrait with colored detail. Quite nice!

HWG Bowserslave by GeorgeTheRaccoon121 viewsIt looks like Bowserslave is trying out as a Heavy. He even has his own sandvich!

Vash and Yoshie by GeorgeTheRaccoon121 viewsHere we have a couple of new characters, Vash and Yoshie. Probably best to stay out of the way of Vash's nose though.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 10 by Drew121 viewsMomiji seems to have made a shocking discovery. Pyramid Head seems to have decided to leave them alone for now however.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 17 by Drew121 viewsOne dead nurse later, and a new character is introduced! Haruhi has joined.

Primer Oleo by IrukaAoi121 viewsQuite a colorful image, this was the first oil painting made by IrukaAoi! The colors are quite vivid and lively.

Search for an Angel Pt 1 by Drew121 viewsWith a seeming bit of revalation, this sub-arc seems to be forcing Momo to realize something, but what is it?

Flash Man by Jon Causith121 viewsIn discussing some favorite RMs, we both like Flash Man. His power was pretty unique in the days of MM2, and he has a fairly simple yet iconic design to him.

Robobot Abilities by Jon Causith121 viewsThe randomizer Jon uses to determine Kirby abilities to draw apparently really wanted him to draw Robobot stuff!

Blast Man by sonicstick7120 viewsThis rendition of Blast Man has quite a colorful look. Perhaps he's more of a firework sort of blast? Hm, a firework Robot Master... I like the sound of that...

Custom Navi by KrisRandomHero120 viewsWhile no name was given, this customized Navi looks rather cool and forceful.
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