Most viewed - Fan Art |

Gotta Luv School by theAlberto813120 viewsYou have my sympathy... I will never understand the mindset of "high school was the best time of my life."

Furnace Man by theAlberto813120 viewsHere we have a firey new Robot Master, Furnace Man! His weapon of choice is the Furnace Flame.

Boss Piranha by GeorgeTheRaccoon120 viewsYeah... a big fish that ravenous, I'd call him boss too.

Vengeance Pt 5 by Voyd211120 views...Yes, perhaps you should be disturbed ^_^;

Dark Colonel by sonicstick7120 viewsAfter the events of BN6, it seems like Colonel was already pretty dark. Don't let the X plotline in, Colonel! Just say no!

Big Little Big Planet by GeorgeTheRaccoon120 viewsQuite a detailed one, this. I admittedly don't know much about LBP, but it is still quite a nice image.

James' Magical Adventure Pt 29 by Drew120 viewsUgh, that freaking face box puzzle... You can KIND of look around in the room to see where openings are, but as always, the camera is not your friend.

Bowserslave Anime Style by IrukaAoi120 viewsHere we have Bowserslave in an anime style, jetpack and all. Quite nice!

Spin Around Ninjas by Jon Causith120 viewsBack story on this one, Jon linked me to the Literal Video of Total Eclipse of the Heart. It's pretty great XD My personal favorite lyrics : "I walk out on the terrace where I think I'm alone, but Arthur Fonzarelli's got an army of clones~"

FINGERS!! by GeorgeTheRaccoon119 viewsFear the fingers, they are always there.

Ice Man by Jon Causith119 viewsAlso on the subject of favorite RMs, well who can resist the always cute Ice Man?

Mistaken Treasure Knight Pose by Jon Causith119 viewsAh, the fun of trying to interpret 8 bit sprites sometimes... I actually think I might have seen the same thing Jon did here, haha.
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