Most viewed - Fan Art |

Roahm by Orangiepants101 viewsA bit of commissioned fan art that was sent in to me, quite nice and colorful!

Jynx Haunting by Jon Causith101 viewsWhile discussing my original Kanto Pokemon team, Jon mentioned that a lot of later Jynx sprites seemed extra freaky to him.

MagicMan EXE by Jon Causith101 viewsI always wished MagicMan would have gotten more appearances in the Battle Network series, I just really liked his Navi incarnation, my overall favorite.

Flash Man by Jon Causith101 viewsWhile he may be an unusual choice, Flash Man is my favorite Robot Master from Mega Man 2. His stage, theme, and abilities just all strike me as interesting.

Yoyo Kirby by Jon Causith101 viewsYoyo is still probably my all time favorite Kirby ability. Whip just didn't have the same flavor to it.

Petsitting Heaven by Jon Causith101 viewsBut petsitting also has its rewards. Such as being surrounded by cats. I need this but with bunnies.

Magic Kirby's Problem by Jon Causith101 viewsClearly, the best trick. I mean, there's a happy bunny getting a tasty treat. It doesn't help Kirby much, but it's adorable.

Reaper Stalfos by Jon Causith101 viewsWhile obviously a Zelda thing, I don't know that I remember from where...?

SHOWTIME by Jon Causith101 viewsWith Jonathan around, it's always SHOWTIME!

Bunnies for Hard Times by Jon Causith101 viewsIt's... been a rough month. So Jon and the Old Man supplied me with bunnies. Perfect!

Diggersby From Memory by Jon Causith101 viewsI love Diggersby so much. Nice big bunny that can wreck things, sign me up.

A Few Kirbys by Jon Causith101 viewsJon used a randomizer to pick some Kirby abilities to draw. Here we have Leaf, Tornado, Water, and Beam! Everything seems like a force of nature except Beam maybe...
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