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Meta Knight by Jon Causith101 viewsAh, the always mysterious Meta Knight. Who is he really? Why did he attack Dream Land out of nowhere? How were you supposed to play him in Brawl that made him so broken he got banned? So many questions...

The Riverperson by Jon Causith101 viewsFrom what little I know of Undertale lore, I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with the Riverperson, other than that they're rather mysterious.

Toad Man Group by Jon Causith101 viewsPoor Toad Man gets no respect, but at least he has some of his stage friends here.

Leaf Kirby by Jon Causith101 viewsLeaf was one of the new abilities I most wanted to try in the newer Kirby games, it just looked so fun.

Mega Man and Rush by Jon Causith101 viewsMega Man and his trusty canine pal. Hopefully not with Mega Man 5's coil adaptor.

Kiss the King Pt 2 by Jon Causith101 viewsThat Marx face is truly amazing... XD

Mega Man 1 Robot Masters in 11 Style v2 by Jon Causith101 viewsA second version of the colors, the main difference being that Bomb Man's colors were changed to stand out a little more against the rest of the crew. Amusingly, it reminds me of his colors in Captain N ^_^;

Skittles Found Candy by Jon Causith101 viewsSo in playing Pokemon Go, Jon has a Skitty named Skittles. It apparently has a lot of good luck finding candy. That's... a super fitting name!

Wrist Mounted Rubber Chicken by Jon Causith101 viewsBird Keeper frustrations aside, seriously, what bird is he even holding in the Gen 1 sprites? It doesn't LOOK like any existing breed of Pokemon...

Such Cute Pokemon by Jon Causith101 viewsApparently on Victory Road on Let's Go Eevee, someone complimented just how cute Jon's team was. I see nothing wrong with the most kawaii of Rhydon.

Blue Meets Jones by CRBWildcat101 views....It's been a long time, and it probably makes things worse for Graham, but..... I kinda forget exactly what I did to him ^_^;

Black Mage by Jon Causith100 viewsPretty much the most iconic Final Fantasy class out there.
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