Most viewed - Fan Art |

Skeledad and Son by Jon Causith93 viewsOne of those fanwork theories I tend to like, Gaster being skeledad to Sans and Papyrus.

FRIENDSHIP SUPLEX by Jon Causith93 viewsSome of those friend abilities in Star Allies were pretty crazy ^_^;

Roahm Cartoon by NeroGB93 viewsSince I've been playing Cuphead, Nero decided to send a toon style version of my character!

Topsy Turvy Honey Hills by Jon Causith93 viewsHere we have Kirby and friends enjoying a nice scenic view of Topsy Turvy Honey Hills from Star Allies. According to Jon, there may or may not be hedgehogs in the distance...

me_irl by NeroGB93 viewsThis costume was probably one of the weirdest moments of Mag Mammal 2.

Toad Man Sketch Page MM11 Style by Jon Causith93 viewsA little love for Toad Man, which hey, it's good to see. The guy needs some love and attention.

Varia Suit Samus by Jon Causith93 viewsDrawn for a friend's brother-in-law, here we have Samus upgrading her Power Suit to the Varia Suit. Jon says he miiiight want a break from Metroid art due to how complex Samus' suit is, which I can definitely sympathize with having drawn it myself.

VVVVVVery Dizzy by Jon Causith93 viewsThe Gravitron will do that to you. Vermilion doesn't seem bothered though.

Durgon in the Naughty Corner by Jon Causith93 viewsTo be fair, they did warn me, but did I listen? No! So this is only fair.

And It's Pistachio! by Jon Causith93 viewsEvidently, Jon and his friend have a running joke where the Robot Masters are competing to defeat Mega Man because Wily promised them ice cream if they win. It would seem Tundra Man caused some issues.

Jewel Man by Jon Causith92 viewsAh, my favorite Robot Master. Gotta love the shiny!

Mega Man and Rush by Jon Causith92 viewsThe classic story of a robot boy and his robot dog.
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