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The Little Bird Returns by Jon Causith77 viewsJon wanted to try a sort of mood piece for Metroid, Samus having a nostalgic moment of thinking about being raised by the Chozo.

Magnet Man Stage by Jon Causith77 viewsFor some reason, Magnet Man's stage feels like one of the most memorable to me from MM3. The music, the colors, it was just really cool to me.

No Shoes pt 2 by Jon Causith77 viewsThe mystery of Kirby's feet continues.

The Adventures of Link in Head Land by Jon Causith77 viewsAs a kid, I thought a pattern was going when the instruction manual dubbed the first two bosses as Horsehead and Helmethead. It was quickly a broken pattern with the third boss, but hey, we can't have everything.

Concrete Man CD by Eddy6477 viewsFor those wondering, I'm pretty sure the Kalinka friendship thing here is referring to the Make a Good Mega Man Level games, which have a running gag of Concrete Man and Kalinka using costumes to "dress" as each other.

Solar Man CD by Eddy6477 viewsSomeone pointed out to me that Solar Man looks like he's wearing a sombrero and poncho. I can't unsee it.

Wicked and Weak 4 by Jon Causith76 views(various sounds of explosions)

Succubus Swarm by Terjerber76 viewsIn the midst of grinding for the Apollo card, the way to and from the monster I needed to fight was plagued by Succubi, and they're about as annoying as a swarm of mosquitoes buzzing in your face.

Toad the Mushroom Eater by Jon Causith76 viewsToad is truly a strange enigma...

Tornado Man CD by Eddy6476 viewsSo when to we get a real life Tornado Man to stop things like the 2020 hurricane season...? Just asking.

Tundra Man CD by Eddy6476 viewsTundra Man definitely is stylish, and probably has my favorite stage theme in the game. He's probably my second favorite of the MM11 Robot Masters.

Torch Man CD by Eddy6476 viewsI..... still need to practice fighting this guy... I never really caught on to his patterns in the blind run.
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