Most viewed - Fan Art |

Ghosts said the Non-Ghosts as they were invaded by Ghosts by takumi68 viewsOld Kasuto's ghosts are troublesome. Very troublesome. Enragingly so. They do not make a durgon happy.

Reggae CD by Eddy6468 viewsI always forget if Reggae's ever appeared in the main series outside of the cameo of failed passwords in MM7. It would be interesting to see him actually make an appearance.

Fighter vs Knuckle by Jon Causith67 viewsWho will win, the original or the copy?

Air Man Assault by Jon Causith67 viewsAn awesome drawing of Mega Man venturing through Air Man's lair!

Olimar by Jon Causith67 viewsThere's something about that first view of a new area as you venture out of your safe haven with some Pikmin to see just what horrors you'll be dealing with.

Vs Holograph Mega Mans by Jon Causith67 viewsA cool fight, but that's still a very silly sounding name, haha.

Vs Proto Man by Jon Causith67 viewsThat fight with Proto Man in Hard Man's stage is easy to underestimate due to the changed terrain. He apparently tagged Jon a number of times.

Johto from Memory by Jon Causith67 viewsJohto is the only region where a legendary made my favorite six. Even if it is odd to me that an aurora based Pokemon is Water and not Ice.

Roahm Cuphead Avatar by Ross67 viewsA more toon-styled version of my dragon self in honor of the Cuphead project.

High Tide Lava Bowser Castle by Jon Causith67 viewsEvidently this stemmed from watching someone playing Mario Maker, and a level having Bowser easily taken out by lava flow. Purposeful? Accidental? Either way Bowser needs to have a word with the castle architects.

Kalinka CD by Eddy6467 viewsKalinka really needs to show up again. It would be interesting to see her maybe working on something with her dad.

ForteEXE by NeroGB67 viewsA nice drawing of Bass.EXE (or Forte if you prefer) from the Battle Network series!
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