Most viewed - Fan Art |

Elec Man gets a P Rank by Jon Causith34 viewsI may be stuck now imagining the Robot Masters drawn in Pizza Tower style, and just how their expressions would look. Would Elec Man just have Pepperman's smugness?

He's Got a Star by Jon Causith34 viewsEven Bowser has his fears and worries. An irate plumber with invincibility is pretty high on that list.

EdgarWare.EXE by ZeldaTheSwordsman33 viewsYouTube's recommended list has been throwing a lot of Homestar Runner stuff at me lately, which I'm totally okay with. This being sent in was thus an amusing coincidence, Strong Bad's antivirus program, EdgarWare, as a Net Navi. Drop a train on 'em!

Cyndaquil Commentary by aneesh172933 viewsSo evidently on "fun with wolfram alpha," there's a bit of an easter egg : you can type in the name of any Pokémon, even specific forms like Mega Evolutions, and it will draw a graph of that Pokémon. So here we have Cyndaquil commenting on their own graph.

Jet Man by Jon Causith33 viewsJet Man was Jon's favorite RM from Mega Man Unlimited. Gyro Man however may have some opinions on the matter...

Cross Fusion ColorWoman by HatOnFire33 viewsMore art from the MMBN Reinstalled concept, here we have a cross fusion between Ms. Madd and ColorMan.

Reimu to the Rescue by Wason Liu33 viewsReimu might not be my favorite Touhou character (honestly a Ryu problem that just the rest of the cast tends to outshine her for me), but hey, anyone that helps me out with bird problems.

Hoagie Pie by Jon Causith33 viewsThis evidently came up while Jon played Tilt 'n Tumble with a friend. Is there nothing Dedede won't try eating? Well, as long as he gets to it before Kirby...

GIMME DA BUTTAH by Jon Causith33 views......Would Pizza Tower just be a really strange round of Gourmet Race for Kirby and Dedede...? And just how much more stress will that put on poor Peppino?

MM10 - Storm the Fortress by Jon Causith32 viewsThe atmosphere of the opening stage to Wily's fortress in 10 is really solid, a moody feel between the rain and the music as you make your way inside, very cool feeling!

Xmas for Roahm by JokerTheHedgehog32 viewsA present in the form of a cute Met in need of a home! Quite a nice cozy holiday setting.

Mouthful Dedede by Jon Causith32 viewsSo Jon hasn't actually played Forgotten Land yet (and I haven't finished it yet), but the idea of this happening... is pretty silly. Neither of us KNOWS if it happens, so please do not confirm or deny.
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