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Dededenim by Jon Causith32 viewsA random thought hit Jon of Dedede wearing a denim jacket. Further layers of denim followed. I could kinda see him pulling off the look somehow.

Cross Fusion ProtoMan by HatOnFire32 viewsAnother from the Reinstalled series, a new cross fusion style for ProtoMan. Rather than the sort of "mix" of color the original ponytail had, this one instead goes for a twin-tail design, one black and one white.

Bunnies by Jon Causith32 viewsA trio of bunny enemies from various games, we have the Snow Robbit from Mega Man 11, a Bunny virus from MMBN, and a Pols Voice from Legend of Zelda.

Flammie in Desmos by aneesh172931 viewsContinuing with the drawings via equations, here we have Flammie from Secret of Mana. I always thought Flammie was super cute, and it still makes me want a Dragon type Eevee evolution that's just a super fluffy style dragon like him.

Elec Man is Not Pleased by Jon Causith31 viewsWhile playing Powered Up, Elec Man was the last Robot Master Jon saved during his run, so Elec Man's rescue scene was overwritten by Dr. Wily's speech. I don't think Elec Man took it well, that was his big scene!

THE ENEMY by Jon Causith31 viewsSo over on Pink's island in Animal Crossing New Horizons, the deer have been taking over. It is indeed a veritable DEER FORCE. But there is always resistance. In this case, it came in the form of Keaton, who managed to fill one of her vacant lots before she had a chance to recruit another deer. And so Keaton was dubbed THE ENEMY.

Monkiki's Banana Attack by Jon Causith31 viewsPerfect Run outtake or no, there is a grain of truth to this : I have a mild banana allergy. Not enough to stop me from enjoying them from time to time, but it is there. Wily-made simians probably don't care though. There will be potassium.

Mushroom Cannibalism by Jon Causith31 views......The less we think about the ramifications of Toads in some of the Mario games actually using Super Mushrooms, the better... Some things we were not meant to know...

Mega Man Killer Montage by Jon Causith30 viewsHere we have some awesome action shots of Mega Man fighting the Mega Man Killers! Also Quint is there. Jon recently played through Mega Man V, which I always thought fighting against the special bosses from the first four Game Boy games was a cool touch.

Metroid Bread by Jon Causith30 viewsDelicious space parasite bread. I'm sure somewhere along the line, we all mentally heard this... In this case, it was misheard by Jon's sibling, and thus, BREAD!

Air Shooter MM11 Style by Jon Causith30 viewsHere we have Mega Man firing off the Air Shooter, though drawn more in his Mega Man 11 style. It's a good look, nice clean lines!

Deer Fortress by Jon Causith30 viewsEvidently Jon asked Siri to listen to Gear Fortress, aaaaand Siri misunderstood. And so the resident rock band of Pink's Animal Crossing island gets a base of operations.
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