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Title Card for reals by GandWatch426 viewsHere's the real title card GandWatch made more recently to go with his comics. Quite nice and stylish I think ^_^

Pink Portraits by GandWatch426 viewsPink is one of the two main playable characters in the Pink Rose Garden Touhou project. Her portrait set looks quite nice indeed!

Quicksilver by MegaBetaman425 views...Let's just be glad Quick Man can't really do this... I've seen videos of how broken that fight is XD

Rocket Powered Mail by GandWatch425 viewsOne does have to wonder just how Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Magma, Team Galactic, and probably Team Plasma planned to take over with some of the Pokemon their grunts had... ^_^;

Frost Man Sprite by Hfbn2425 viewsHere we have a wider selection of comparison sprites, as there actually was an official 8 bit sprite of Frost Man thanks to Mega Man 10. In this instance, the RM8FC sprite was actually pretty good, but I do think Hfbn2's version handled some details better, like the knuckles for example, giving them more definition.

Octopus by Neo425 viewsThe first boss of Gyoniku's apartment fortress, the Octopus is pretty simple. More of an appetizer of things to come than a real threat. Still, there's something stylish about him.

Invincibility by GandWatch424 views......I think we can all feel glad Star Man can't really do this with the Star Crash...

Wild Quick Man Appeared by SammerYoshi424 viewsWell, on the bright side, we finally have something that can outrun Electrode and Dugtrio...

Ride On, Green Biker Dude by GandWatch424 viewsAh, the noble Green Biker Dude, possibly having one of the most epic, selfless deaths in the X series. May you ride on forever more.

Gojira Sized Quick Man by Bowserslave424 views..............Eep.

Team Roahm by RaidenNagare424 viewsSo when Raiden started taking requests from viewers of her artists thread over on the forums, I had asked if I might get a drawing of Kadabra. And then this awesomeness happened XD I absolutely love her style, and am honored to have receieved something like this, a team picture of my original team back in the days of Red and Blue ^_^

Death of Quick Man by Grye423 views....Sweet Force Beam-y Revenge? I'll take it!
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