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Bullet Proof Dragon by InvisibleCoinBlock416 viewsSo during my Metroid run, I ended up demonstrating and testing the Narpas Sword code. It makes you invincible. And since Shagg has been so into TF2 lately, this happened...

CrystalMan EXE by RuinedTemples22416 viewsA stylish Navi version of CrystalMan, the crystal balls on his back are said to represent the past, present, and future.

Draw the World 3 by GandWatch415 viewsHere we have a few more worlds, those of Metroid, Yoshi's Story, Donkey Kong Country, WarioWare Inc., and Fire Emblem. Quite stylish indeed! The Yoshi's Story world is evidently somewhat like the Hundred Acre Woods, a storybook with mini-games inside.

Star Man meets Starmen by GandWatch415 viewsThat Earthbound Starman looks quite imposing! And for good measure, Marisa is even present, filling in as a star woman.

Capcom is Predictable by GandWatch415 viewsPredictable or not, that girl definitely falls under the "aggressively cute" category.

Gyonikus 'n Goblins by Neo415 viewsIn a total paradigm shift, the special stage of Nezumiman sheds Mega Man gameplay for Ghosts 'n Goblins style! And Gyoniku seems to have taken on a new, massive form as well! Though to be fair, he's like... ALL the enemies!

Devil Man by Neo415 viewsNeo's rendition of Devil Man gives him quite a nice, fiery look. The addition of the gem on his helmet is quite nice.

Roahm Balboa by LTFC1992414 viewsBecause going after Quick Man requires a training montage, running up steps, and inspiring music. BRING IT ON!

Grid Man by GandWatch414 viewsA Robot Master rendition of Grid Man, a.k.a. Foot Man. Looks like he's ready for some football!

Old Skool by GandWatch414 viewsSometimes, old school is best. We can't be the only ones who smiled at the retro level in Kirby's Adventure.

Chu Chu Cirno by GandWatch414 viewsHow will Cirno decide where to go with so many Ice Men around?! Regardless, the results are adorable.

Classic and X by GandWatch414 viewsThis seems about right.... ^_^; Never was a big fan of the darker, edgier X. Keep your drama to yourself!
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