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iscribble Chat by GandWatch397 viewsSometimes, a conversation just goes so crazy that you have to capture it X)

Drawing Notes - Rockman by GandWatch397 viewsHere we have something rather interesting, Neo's notes on how to draw Rockman! It's interesting to see an artist's methods this way.

CommandoMan EXE by Jon Causith397 viewsHere we have a Navi design for Commando Man. I'm so predisposed these days to think "Kick the tank, KICK THE TANK!" when seeing such a vehicle.

Flash Man's Bald Head by GandWatch396 viewsPoor Flash Man. In canon, he is supposedly bald. One has to wonder what kind of hair the others are hiding under their helmets.

Quick Met Attack by tAll3ShyguySkullLand396 viewsMets armed with the power of Quick Man?! BETRAYAL!

DragonMan EXE by ZakkiOrichalcum395 viewsAn original Navi based upon the Dragon Man Robot Master concept, as devised by JUN0TheF0X. Seemingly this is his vision of my personal Navi, even including my Green Dragon emblem as an insignia. It claims me to be a bad guy, buuuut.... I like to think I'm just doing undercover work or something, I'm really not a bad person ^_^;

CrashMan EXE by NesClassic395 viewsA navi based around time bombs that can cause instant deletion? This sounds like quite a challenge!

Bell Man Boss Room by Hfbn2395 viewsHere we have a screenshot from a game being worked on by Hfbn2. I'll be quite interested in seeing where this goes. This is the lair of Bell Man.

Staring is Good by GandWatch395 views.........staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare....

DJ Dragon by Neo395 viewsWhen we were talking about Meteos, the subject of favorite songs came up. I was always partial to The Scratch Show, the original theme of LUNA=LUNA back on the DS game. And so I am a DJ. Let the music play!

Tauro Met by GeorgeTheRaccoon394 viewsHere we have an interesting new Met, based upon a character from a friend of the artist, if memory serves. It's a cute design, it kind of makes me think of an alien from one of the old Commander Keen games.

Nightmare Shop by SammerYoshi394 viewsHmm.... I can't say I feel inclined to spend my hard-earned bolts here...
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