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The Shiny Fighters - Roahm vs Spyro by 11Natrium387 viewsLook, is this about my choosing to do Pokemon for now instead of your game? I promise I'll get to the Spyro trilogy before too much longer. Probably first thing of the new year.

Flame Man Robot Masters by mariofan96387 viewsNew Robot Masters from the artist's Flame Man fangame idea. There are some potentially interesting looking concepts here. Interesting that here we have a Genie Man, while hfbn2's Mega Man Maximum has Genie Woman.

Fail Sheep, Win Sheep by EvilMariobot386 viewsEvidently, while watching my Sheep Man video, EvilMariobot was playing Pokemon, and his Ampharos, also named Sheep Man, happened to help him capture a Snorlax. Different sheep, different success rates.

Humpty Dumpty by GandWatch386 viewsAnd thus, the mystery of just how Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall is solved. DARN YOU KOOL AID MAAAAAAAN!!!

Shagg Spell Card by GandWatch386 viewsNeo also made a Spell Card pose for Shagg. It looks quite nicely done, surrounding him with white owl feathers and giving him a determined look as he readies his attack.

DynamoMan EXE by silversteeldragunn386 viewsHere we have quite a nice rendition of a Navi form for Dynamo Man! I always figured, if he got a Navi counterpart, it would be a cute sort.

Which Way? by Bailey Cowell-fong385 viewsExcellent, looks like he's been thrown even further off the trail! I should be safe for awhile at least.

Old Timey Lovely Walk by GandWatch385 viewsWhen I did this art style during a "silent film" style outtake, I had no idea what I had started XD Is it possible for Ice Man to be even cuter than before? XD Cirno meanwhile, according to Neo, draws inspiration from an old manga.

Chilly Happiness by GandWatch384 viewsAh, Ice Man and Cirno, so cute and happy together. The two of them just look so nice together ^_^

iscribble Madness Pt 3 by GandWatch384 viewsNapalm Man seemed to be a recurring theme here, but the Snakes on a Plane reference also strikes me as quite amusing XD

Jammers are Screwed by TPPR10383 viewsIn Starforce 1, there is a subquest where you have to eliminate a large group of Jammers in order to get a brother band with Zack. Methinks many people want revenge on this particular mission...

Nightmare Met by RenzokukenLionheart382 viewsA Met formed of my Nightmare Bosses? Diabolical! It could possibly work, too!
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