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Baka by GandWatch374 viewsPoor Shadow Man... Seems he's jealous of everyone pairing off...

Quick Man Outtakes by Bowserslave374 viewsHaha.... if only. A little force beamy revenge sounds excellent.

Dissecting the Weaknesses - MM2 by Jon Causith374 viewsHere we have a new set of weakness analysis, and also something I didn't know : Air Shooter works well against Wood Man? I'll have to try that sometime... Bonus points for not just having everything weak to Metal Blade XD

Bright Ideas by MegaBetaman373 viewsIt can be risky, hanging out around Bright Man while he's thinking. If he gets one good idea, you'll be stuck there for awhile.

Easy Mode by ZeroJanitor373 viewsAt the risk of being taunted by the rabbits of Eientei, sometimes it is nice to just relax and play easy mode. Yukkuri shiteitte ne!

All Your Bass by MegaBetaman373 viewsThat is a lot of Bass to belong to him! Yeah... I don't see that ending well for Megaman...

Easier Said than Done by Bailey Cowell-fong373 viewsQuickMan.EXE is definitely not to be trifled with ^_^;

MMM Weapon Select by Hfbn2373 viewsNot a tasty screenshot, but actually the weapon select screen from Mega Man Maximum! Interesting to see the Wire and Balloon are back, as well as evidently a Reggae based item? Quite interesting indeed. I wonder if Bass will have Treble Boost...

ACDC Town by GandWatch372 viewsHere we have a new game world made into a Kingdom Hearts style world. It's Lan Hikari's home of ACDC Town! I quite like the bright colors on this one ^_^

Running on Water by GandWatch372 views......This would make a good number of water stages a lot easier.

The Horror of Mobile Ice Man by Bowserslave371 views....Yeah, the mobile graphics are bad...... just...... bad.

G&W-tan by GandWatch371 viewsG&W-tan is one of the older game system tans. She enjoys scoring points, but is quite strict with herself, not allowing more than three failures in a row. She also is quite punctual, though not as obsessed with schedules as someone like Time Man.
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