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Rainbow Chen by GandWatch371 viewsOh dear... now the cuteness comes in all the colors of the rainbow! I'm doomed to enjoy the adorability! CHEEEEEEEEEEEEN!

Bass the Pokemon Master by ioddandodd370 views.....This is certainly a chaotic crowd o.o; I'm not quite sure what all we have going on here o.o;

Wily Castle 6 by cooljobsrule370 viewsToad Man seems to be ready to aid their plan at any cost. Such a brave toad!

Higsby and the Blade by Jon Causith370 viewsHere we have a two part image. First we have something I always wanted to see in the EXE anime, Cross Fusion Higsby! The decision to leave his awesome hair free and use the NumberMan grid as a visor looks very cool indeed. We also have a Navi design for Blade Man!

Some Like It Red Hot by GandWatch369 viewsIt kind of surprises me that Mega Man characters never made any kind of cameo in Viewtiful Joe, despite Dante doing so...

Japan by GandWatch369 views....Yeah, I admit it... I would like to visit Japan sometime, seems like it would be a cool place to at least check out.

Chip Grind by Beedolphin369 viewsSacraficing my life to grind for chips? That sounds about right sometimes o.o;

The Robot Master Circuit by Tom0027368 viewsFear the electric Robot Masters! Why? Because they can do THIS!

The Love Triangle by Bowserslave368 viewsAirMan.EXE, look.... we had a good thing, but we've just changed too much. I've moved on, and you...... you've become frighteningly possessive.

Sleepyhead by GandWatch368 viewsIn perhaps the strangest pairing yet... Yukkuri Reimu and the 1up! This one was completely unexpected XD

iscribble Madness Pt 4 by GandWatch368 viewsI quite like Clown Man's expression here ^_^ Also hopefully Sakuya and Bowserslave can get over their problems now ^_^;

Rocket Lawn Chair by GandWatch368 viewsQuite a stylish ride you've got there, Kirby!
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