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Mega Man Maximum Stage Select 2-5 by Hfbn2363 viewsAn updated screenshot of the MMM Stage Select screen. It looks quite nice I think ^_^ I'm definitely interested to see where this project goes.

Shiny Card by beedolphin363 views.....Shinies!!! I WANT THE SHINIES!!! GIVE ME THE SHINIEEEEEEES!!!!!!!..... sorry, blacked out for a moment there, did I miss anything?

Silent Hill by GandWatch363 viewsHere we have Silent Hill as a KH style world. Quite a dangerous place, this one! I like how it calls to mind the dual nature of Silent Hill, and even the alien presence in some of the joke endings.

Boundary Watch by GandWatch363 viewsThat.... is extremely trippy... I found myself staring at this for a good long while.

Dragonfly Hunting by Bailey Cowell-fong362 views......Shadow Man, you are quite awesome, but doesn't that tree feel a little strange to you?

CrystalMan EXE by EvilMariobot362 viewsQuite a shiny rendition of CrystalMan EXE here, made entirely of shinies! I quite like the shading on this, it looks very bright and sparkly.

Heat Man's Ignorance by Bowserslave362 viewsPoor Bowserslave. He put so much into his anti-drug PSA, but Heat Man just isn't listening... On one hand, it makes sense given he's styled after a cigarette lighter...

To Quick from Ice by Bailey Cowell-fong362 viewsHmm.... And here I thought Guts Man's ass was the famous one...

iscribble Madness Pt 2 by Gandwatch362 viewsThe crazy art continues, now with adorable sheep and comparisons of baseballs and PokeBalls!

Savestated Sounds by GandWatch362 viewsShagg has lately been producing some awesome music, including "Roahm Will Never Play Mega Man X." I would so buy this CD X)

lol Yellow Gentlemen by GandWatch362 views....Oh dear... That is disturbing XD

Big Brain Academy Lyrics by GandWatch362 viewsIt's interesting to see lyrics added to catchy songs like this ^_^
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