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Welcome Back by Neo352 viewsWhew, so yeah, that whole hospital thing... While at the hospital, Kit was my main communication conduit with everyone, as he had the number for my hospital room, and would occasionally call to chat with me and find out what was going on. Upon returning home, Neo had this waiting for me, quite a lovely surprise that really made my day. My thanks to Neo, and to all my friends!

My Biggest Fans by KevROB948351 viewsWith fans like these, who needs enemies? And hey, who invited Quick Man to the party?!

True Power by SammerYoshi351 viewsFinally, the true power of the Sakugarne revealed.... making your opponent laugh themselves to death!

Wily Castle 4 by cooljobsrule351 viewsIt looks like Napalm Man is going even crazier than before! This doesn't sound good for Quick Man and Needle Man...

Elec Woman by angelbunnies351 views...Somehow this looks kind of psycho cute...... ^_^;

Arsenal Favorites - MM8 by Jon Causith351 viewsSay what you will about MM8, it had some decent weapons. Myself, I enjoy the Flame Sword. It's a nice, quick attack with some decent power to it. Jon literally goes for something more flashy, the Flash Bomb. And we still can't hear Duo over the music.

The Network of Happiness by Tom0027350 views.....No, no it is not a happy network, not at all... But you know, it would explain things. That is about how HughesNet feels, for those wondering.

Stylish Rockman Normal by GandWatch350 viewsThis one's a little easier to follow, detailing all his weapons through the ages. Very colorful, that!

A Very Very Very Bad Joke by Jon Causith350 viewsThe artist doth protest too much. I actually found this quite funny XD According to him, it's Quick Man suffering my wrath, so... I'm behind it 100%.

Blood Bank by beedolphin350 viewsYou know... with as much of a thing as the Bank Network was... I don't think this is far off ^_^;

MMBN5 Team Setups by Jon Causith350 viewsSo we listed our dream teams, but what if we were specifically limited to Navis from BN5? Here are our respective setups. Also, a bit of a detailing of Jon's journey through the game.

Candy Chase by 11Natrium350 viewsThis subject came up on my Tumblr I believe. And then adorable happened.
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