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So Happy by Tom0027X334 viewsYeah... the Zoo Network in BN3 is pretty weird, yo...

At Sea by EvilMariobot333 views......I'm just glad I'm not the only one to have thought that's what the "top of a ladder" sprite looks like.... XD

MM2 Failure by Dragoonknight717333 viewsTaking the idea of my Outtakes images for the MMPU challenges, Dragoonknight717 made some with MM2 bosses. Definitely, if I did one for Metal Man, it would have to involve reflected Metal Blades...

Bubble Man Outtakes by thesonicgalaxy333 viewsThis is the begining of a fantastic journey into the cave of monsters.... oops, wrong game.

Mega Man Trainer Cards 1 by TPPR10333 viewsThese seem like fitting teams for everyone involved. Nice touch making Metal Man's team mono Steel.

Rabmets by atrix333 viewsSo Mets are adorable. And Rabbites as well... So what happens when we combine them? I melt from the cuteness, that's what!

Oil and Time by Hfbn2333 viewsHere, Hfbn2 tried his hand at making 8 bit versions of Oil Man and Time Man. Quite a nice job with them, too! He gave two different palletes for each, one just adding them in with colors of their own, and one trying to fit them into the limitations of the original MM1 pallet.

1-up Curse by beedolphin333 viewsThe 1-ups are always watching.... Alllllways waaaatching...... They're watching..... alllllllwaaaaaaaaaaays waaaaaaaaatchiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing......

Roll sprites by EvilMariobot333 viewsA custom set of sprites for Roll, showing her in a more battle-ready form. It's interesting to see something like this, it seems a good battle outfit for her.

Crossing the Line by StormingNova333 viewsThat's it, Quick Man, now you've gone TOO FAR.

Favorite Kirby Enemies by Airmanon333 viewsTaking a page from Jon Causith's comparison images, Airmanon wanted to compare our favorite Kirby enemies. I always did like Poppy Bros. for some reason.

Spyro the Durgon - Outro by Neo333 viewsHurp and furthermore Durgons.
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