Most viewed - Fan Art |

Oh Bugger by XBOX360WiiPlayer325 views...Well yes, that would be a problem.

Shinies by beedolphin325 viewsA bit of an unfinished work, beedolphin stated she couldn't quite get the backgrounds to work right. Regardless, I think Jewel Man has done enough work here for now.

Weapons We Set Aside - MM2 by Jon Causith325 viewsJust say no to Metal Blades. Seriously, that was bad game design. The Metal Blades just became such a godly weapon, and so many people praise MM2 BECAUSE of this broken design...

Time Shenanigans by Natrium325 viewsThis had a different title, but... yeah. Just future reference, I do prefer to keep things clean around here o.o; The comic itself is amusing though. Is it just me, or does that look like Chuck Greene's jacket from Dead Rising 2?

TornadoMan EXE by LaZodiac324 viewsThis rendition of TornadoMan EXE shows him as a vain Navi who feels himself to be a god of wind.

You're Too Slow by IanAlann324 viewsAs if Quick Man wasn't fast and spastic enough... now he's been crossed with Sonic?!

Fake Man is Screwed by TPPR10324 viewsI don't think Fake Man ever thought he'd be stuck on traffic duty. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

MMBN5 Faves by Jon Causith324 viewsSo here we have our favorites from MMBN5. Jon chooses the quite useful GyroMan, while my favorite is the adorable (and also useful) BlizzardMan. BN5 is definitely one of my favorites, seems to be one of Jon's as well.

Jon Predicts Powered Up 2 by Jon Causith324 viewsIt would be really nice to see a Powered Up 2. Universe just lacked the charm of Powered Up, and seems like it would have been a poor substitute. The way Powered Up developed personalities in the original Robot Masters, it would be cool to see what they did with the rest of them.

Top 10 Robot Masters No 10 by Jon Causith324 viewsComparing our ten favorite Robot Masters, it seems tenth place belongs to Grenade Man and Time Man! I've always been interested in time powers, and Time Man perhaps has my favorite version of it.

Shiny Trap by TayoEXE323 viewsSo entrancing... so shiny.... but surely it must be a trap... It CAN'T be this easy!

Roahm and his Car by LTFC1992323 viewsOoh, awesome! Total vehicular upgrade! My old car in Florida was a Chevy Cavalier. Same color, but yeah, this is quite an upgrade. Dragon Taxi Mk 2, fully operational!..... well I can dream, can't I?
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