Most viewed - Fan Art |

Fishing Accident by airmanon320 viewsWhen they refer to fish as Neptune's bounty, I don't think this is what they had in mind...

Wily Castle 2 by cooljobsrule319 viewsIt seems being master of an army of Robot Masters is harder than it looks... Suddenly teaching them about assault tactics, knowing their limited capabilities for learning new things?..... This could be bad.

Silent Hill Ventriloquism by GeorgeTheRaccoon319 viewsJust how did everyone in Silent Hill deliver their lines without moving their lips? Was it the town of ventriloquists? Or was there something else at play... Just what is this attached to Harry?...

Mettaur DS by Bowserslave319 viewsDark Soul or not, Mettaurs are still adorable... Might have to put this one in rehab for a bit though...

Ice Man's New Life - Happy Ending by Bowserslave319 viewsThis ending seems to be nice enough for Ice Man. Acceptance by his peers and his beloved ice fairy. Everything has worked out! Well... except for the stunt Mythril... But believe me I am still alive. I'm making vids and I am still alive. And when there's more games I'll be still alive. Still alive. Still alive.

Black Hole Bomb - Inactive by GandWatch319 viewsLittle animations like this are rather nice sometimes, and the Black Hole Bomb certainly had a good look to it.

Dragon Prod by beedolphin319 views....KEEP THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!!! It does seem to have a fitting effect though.

HughesNet's Leader by Cloudnash319 viewsI rather doubt this. I don't see how Quick Man could possibly run anything as slow and faulty as HughesNet... Now the snail from Toad Man's stage, there's a possibility...

Favorite Robot Masters - 1st Place by Jon Causith319 viewsIN LIVING COLOR! For the top of the chart, Jon went all out with full color. His choice, the always awesome Fire Man. Mine?... Well was there ever any doubt?

SheepMan EXE by ZakkiOrichalcum318 viewsSheepMan as a Navi seems to be the deceptively cute type, the sort that lures you in with an adorable form, but is actually evil. The splitting move reminds me of the Scapegoat card from Yu-Gi-Oh.

Even the Crappy Ones by dalo2953318 viewsHere we have recognition of all my nightmares... even the lesser nightmares...

Elec Man is Screwed by TPPR10318 viewsGuts Man breaks Elec Man's AI so nicely in Powered Up.... XD
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